
[ Haze&&Laze ]

I have dedicated today to absorbing as much sun as possible, finding things that inspire me and growing my hair (also known as doing absolutely nothing.) I love lounge days and am really quite serious about that last point, I'm dosed up to my eyeballs on cod liver oil in a desperate attempt to get my hair long enough revisit my old friend, the centre parting. Anyway, one things for certain..I am in no way ready to face the world today, please God let no one come to the front door. If only I could look as cool and careless as this little tatt'd up rockandroller. I feel a bit like I've jumped on the bandwagon because she's been everywhere since she posted these diamonds, but........I don't care.






1 comment:

  1. very nice blog :)
    i like it a lot ^^
    by the way what is the name of this blogger? i can not find it :(
    thanks a lot
    kisses :)
